Lice-Helpful Facts

Helpful Facts About Head Lice (Pediculosis)

Nit-picking is important and a critical step toward making sure all lice presence is removed from the hair.

If head lice reappear, it is unlikely the child has been re-infected from another student but rather it is highly likely some nits survived the initial treatment and combings, and then hatched into live lice.

Parents can be proactive by checking their child or children’s hair every week, combing for lice, removing nits and calling the school nurse if live lice or nits close to the scalp are present.

Parents can also braid hair and keep it tied up in a ponytail in order to limit potential contact with others.

Parents are encouraged to have their own hair checked by a friend. Adults tend to be less likely to be sensitive to the saliva of the lice (thus not feeling as much scalp itchiness) and often do not realize they may also be affected.

Sleepovers, daycare, afterschool programs, movie theaters and any other place where students gather are likely places for lice to be shared. Community response is not complete without including these settings.

Student health related emergent needs such as asthma, diabetes, seizure, bleeding, difficulty breathing, concussion, injuries, illness and many more must take priority at our schools. Lice cannot and should not become a higher priority than child safety in the home, at school or in any other setting.

Misinformation about head lice causes anxiety for parents and school staff and increases the risk of bullying for students identified as having nits or lice.

Remember, neither lice nor nits can survive for a weekend without a human host. Every Monday school is clear of any lice until students and community return. If parents check hair every Monday for any signs of pediculosis (lice) before sending students to school, lice will not be present in the school setting.